Visit and Review Kuranda Koala Gardens
While we were staying in Australia we decided to visit Kuranda. After visiting Kuranda Birdworld we visited the Kuranda Koala Garden. My girlfriend had wanted to hold a Koala Bear since we had gotten to Australia but we never really got the chance before and I heard you could do it at the Koala Garden. I figured it would be some overpriced cash grab with some dyeing Koala Bear. Wrong! We were greeted by the cutest Koala bears we had ever seen I HAVE MOVED MY BLOG (the new one is much better) TO READ THE REST OF THIS POST CHECK IT OUT ON MY NEW BLOG - KOALA GARDEN VISIT AND REVIEW - I left the pictures up though, for the whole story check out my new and improved blog. Thanks :D

We also visited the Kuranda Birdworld on the same day and the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary.
Questions this blog answers:
Where can I hold a Koala Bear?
Where in Australia can I hold a Koala Bear?
Where to hold a Koala Bear in Australia?
The best Place to hold a Koala Bear
The Best place in Queensland to hold a Koala Bear
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