Hey Christmas in Australia is deffinitely a lot different then Christmas in Canada. It felt so strange leading up to Christmas because people were saying "Summer is here, it's getting hotter, Christmas is coming" That just did not sound right to me!! I am used to the exact opposite. After experiencing Christmas in Canada and Christmas in Australia I would have to say nothing beats the experience back home so if you are in Canada dont take it for granted. I attached a little video to this blog to let you know what Christmas in Australia is like. I will add some more posts to give you a better idea of what life is like here, but not just yet. My girlfriend is antsy in her pantsy to go boxing day shopping! (It is Christmas in Canada but Boxing day now in Australia)
The video should give you a pretty good idea of what Christmas is like in Australia. I will add a few pictures as well. My girlfriend and I felt a bit homesick on Christmas (it was our first time not being with our families!) So we decided to do something that made us feel at home. BUILD A SNOWMAN! Of course on the beach in Australia there is no snow, so we had to improvise

Needless to say our Snowman was a pretty popular fellow.

I think we could have put a change cup out to make money. Speaking of which there was one street performer in particular that caught our attention. At first we thought that this was a statue of Santa....until he moved! The guy did a really good job on his costume. Neat eh!

So that is what Christmas is Like in Australia, well Melbourne anyways. I could just imagine what it would be like in Far North Queensland or Cairns where the weather is very tropical! The city did a good job of putting up decorations and having Christmas music but it just doesnt feel the same when everything is so different. I will pug up a few more pictures and a neat video soon. I should go to bed (work in the morning) Follow my blog if you don't want to miss the rest of this post :D